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How to Make a Neo Angle Shower Curtain Rod: 7 Easy Steps

shower curtain rods for neo-angle showers

If you have a neo angle shower, you know how hard it can be to find a suitable curtain rod for it. Neo angle showers are those that have three walls and two angled corners, forming a wedge-shaped space. They are often found in small bathrooms or corner spaces, and they can create a sleek and modern look. However, they also pose some challenges when it comes to hanging a shower curtain, as most standard curtain rods are either straight or curved, and do not fit the shape of a neo angle shower.

This can result in gaps, leaks, or awkward angles that can ruin the appearance and function of your shower. That is why you need a well-fitted neo angle shower curtain rod that can cover the entire shower area and prevent water from splashing out. In this guide, we will show you how to craft your own custom neo angle shower curtain rod using some simple materials and tools. We will also provide some tips and tricks for installing and maintaining your curtain rod and enhancing the beauty and functionality of your shower curtain rods for neo-angle showers.

Understanding Neo Angle Showers

neo angle shower curtain rod
Neo Angle Shower Curtain Rod: 7 Easy Steps to Make Your Own

Before you start making your own neo angle shower curtain rod, you need to understand what neo angle showers are and why they need a special curtain rod. Neo angle showers are a type of shower enclosure that have three walls and two angled corners, forming a wedge-shaped space. They are often installed in small bathrooms or corner spaces, where they can save space and create a stylish and modern look. Neo angle showers can also offer some benefits, such as:

  • More showering space: Compared to a standard square or rectangular shower, a neo angle shower can provide more room for movement and comfort, as the angled corners can create more depth and width.
  • Better lighting and ventilation: A neo angle shower can allow more natural light and air to enter the shower area, as the angled corners can create more openings and windows. This can make the shower more bright and fresh, and prevent mold and mildew growth.
  • Enhanced design and appeal: A neo angle shower can add some flair and elegance to your bathroom, as the angled corners can create a unique and eye-catching shape. You can also choose from various styles and materials for your neo angle shower, such as glass, tile, or acrylic, and match them with your bathroom theme and decor.

However, neo angle showers also have some drawbacks, such as:

  • Higher cost and maintenance: A neo angle shower can be more expensive and difficult to install and maintain than a standard shower, as it requires more materials, labor, and expertise. You may also need to replace or repair the shower components more often, as they can be more prone to wear and tear.
  • Limited options and availability: A neo angle shower can be harder to find and customize than a standard shower, as it has a specific shape and size that may not fit every bathroom or preference. You may also have trouble finding accessories and fixtures that are compatible with your neo angle shower, such as shower doors, shower heads, or shower curtain rods.

This brings us to the importance of choosing the right shower curtain rods for neo angle showers. A curtain rod is a horizontal bar that holds the shower curtain and prevents water from splashing out of the shower area. A curtain rod can also add some style and color to your shower, as you can choose from various designs and fabrics for your shower curtain. However, not all curtain rods are suitable for neo angle showers, as most of them are either straight or curved, and do not fit the shape of a neo angle shower. This can result in some problems, such as:

  • Gaps and leaks: A straight or curved curtain rod can leave some gaps or openings between the curtain and the shower walls, especially at the angled corners. This can allow water to leak or splash out of the shower area, and cause damage to your floor, walls, or furniture.
  • Awkward angles and tension: A straight or curved curtain rod can create some awkward angles or tension when hung on a neo angle shower, as it may not align or level with the shower walls or ceiling. This can make the curtain rod unstable or saggy, and affect the appearance and function of your shower curtain.
  • Limited coverage and privacy: A straight or curved curtain rod can limit the coverage and privacy of your neo angle shower, as it may not cover the entire shower area or block the view from the outside. This can make your shower less comfortable and secure, and expose you to unwanted light, noise, or eyes.

That is why you need a well-fitted neo angle shower curtain rod that can cover the entire shower area and prevent water from splashing out.

Advantages neo angle shower curtain rod

Neo Angle Shower Curtain Rod: 7 Easy Steps to Make Your Own

A neo angle shower curtain rod is a type of curtain rod that is custom-made to fit the shape and size of a neo angle shower. It consists of three straight rods that are connected by two angled joints, forming a wedge-shaped rod that matches the wedge-shaped shower. A neo angle shower curtain rod can offer some advantages, such as:

  • Full coverage and protection:
    • A neo angle shower curtain rod can cover the entire shower area and seal the gaps or openings between the curtain and the shower walls, especially at the angled corners. This can prevent water from leaking or splashing out of the shower area, and protect your floor, walls, or furniture from water damage.
  • Proper alignment and stability:
    • A neo angle shower curtain rod can align and level with the shower walls and ceiling and create a smooth and even curve for the curtain. This can make the curtain rod secure and stable and prevent it from sagging or tilting. It can also make the curtain hang nicely and evenly and enhance the appearance and function of your shower.
  • Optimal coverage and privacy:
    • A neo angle shower curtain rod can cover the entire shower area and block the view from the outside, providing you with optimal coverage and privacy. This can make your shower more comfortable and secure, and shield you from unwanted light, noise, or eyes.

Types of Shower Curtain Rods for Neo Angle Showers

If you are looking for a curtain rod for your neo-angle shower, you may find that there are not many options available in the market. Most standard curtain rods are either straight or curved, and do not fit the shape of a neo angle shower. However, there are some types of curtain rods that can work for neo angle showers, such as:

  • Straight rods:
    • Straight rods are the most common and simple type of curtain rods, and they consist of a single straight bar that spans across the shower area. Straight rods can be used for neo angle showers, but they may not provide the best fit or function, as they may leave some gaps or openings at the angled corners and create some awkward angles or tension on the curtain. Straight rods can also limit the coverage and privacy of your shower, as they may not cover the entire shower area or block the view from the outside. Straight rods are usually easy and cheap to install and maintain, and they come in various lengths, materials, and finishes to suit your preference and style.
  • Custom neo angle rods:
    • Custom neo angle rods are the best type of curtain rods for neo angle showers, as they are custom-made to fit the shape and size of your shower. Custom neo angle rods consist of three straight rods that are connected by two angled joints, forming a wedge-shaped rod that matches the wedge-shaped shower. Custom neo angle rods can provide full coverage and protection, proper alignment and stability, and optimal coverage and privacy for your shower, as they can cover the entire shower area and seal the gaps or openings at the angled corners and create a smooth and even curve for the curtain. Custom neo angle rods are usually more expensive and difficult to install and maintain than straight rods, as they require more materials, labor, and expertise. However, they can also offer more versatility and functionality, as they can be customized to suit your preference and style.

Highlighting the Advantages of a Custom-Made Curtain Rod

curtain rods for neo angle showers
Neo Angle Shower Curtain Rod: 7 Easy Steps to Make Your Own

As you can see, a custom-made neo angle shower curtain rod can offer some advantages over a straight rod, such as:

  • Better fit and function: A custom-made neo angle shower curtain rod can fit the shape and size of your shower perfectly, and provide better coverage and protection, alignment and stability, and coverage and privacy for your shower. It can also make your shower more comfortable and secure, and prevent water damage to your floor, walls, or furniture.
  • More versatility and functionality: A custom-made neo angle shower curtain rod can also offer more versatility and functionality, as you can customize it to suit your preference and style. You can choose the length, material, and finish of your curtain rod, and match it with your shower theme and decor. You can also choose the type and design of your shower curtain, and change it whenever you want. You can also use your curtain rod for other purposes, such as hanging towels, clothes, or accessories.

DIY vs. Store-Bought Curtain Rods

If you have decided to opt for a custom-made neo angle shower curtain rod, you may wonder whether you should buy it from a store or make it yourself. Both options have their pros and cons, and you need to consider some factors before making your decision, such as:

  • Cost and budget: Buying a custom-made neo angle shower curtain rod from a store can be more expensive than making it yourself, as you need to pay for the materials, labor, and delivery. However, making it yourself can also incur some costs, such as buying the materials, tools, and accessories. You need to compare the prices and quality of both options and see which one fits your budget and expectations better.
  • Time and effort: Making a custom-made neo angle shower curtain rod yourself can take more time and effort than buying it from a store, as you need to measure, cut, and install the rod yourself. You also need to have some skills and experience in working with metal and tools, and follow some safety precautions. However, making it yourself can also be more rewarding and satisfying, as you can create a unique and personalized curtain rod that reflects your taste and style. Buying it from a store can be more convenient and easy, as you can simply order the rod online or in person, and have it delivered and installed for you. However, buying it from a store can also be less fun and creative, as you may have to settle for a standard or generic curtain rod that may not match your preference or style.
  • Quality and durability: Making a custom-made neo angle shower curtain rod yourself can give you more control and flexibility over the quality and durability of the rod, as you can choose the materials, tools, and accessories that suit your needs and standards. You can also ensure that the rod is well-made and well-fitted and fix any issues or errors that may occur. However, making it yourself can also expose you to some risks and uncertainties, such as making mistakes, damaging the materials, or injuring yourself. Buying a custom-made neo angle shower curtain rod from a store can guarantee you a high-quality and durable rod, as you can rely on the expertise and reputation of the manufacturer or seller. You can also benefit from the warranty and service that they may offer. However, buying it from a store can also limit your options and choices, as you may have to compromise on the materials, tools, or accessories that they provide.

As you can see, both DIY and store-bought curtain rods have their pros and cons, and you need to weigh them carefully before making your decision. You also need to consider your personal preference, style, and budget, and see which option suits you better. If you are confident and adventurous, you may enjoy making your own neo angle shower curtain rod and expressing your creativity and personality. If you are busy and practical, you may prefer buying a custom-made neo angle shower curtain rod and saving your time and energy.

How to Make a Neo Angle Shower Curtain Rod?

If you do not want to purchase 42 neo angle shower curtain rod and looking for How to Make a Neo Angle Shower Curtain Rod? by own. If you have decided to make your own neo angle shower curtain rod, you need to gather the necessary materials and tools, and follow some steps and tips to craft your rod. In this guide, we will show you How to Make 42-inch Neo Angle Shower Curtain Rod? which is a common size for neo angle showers. However, you can adjust the measurements and proportions according to your shower size and shape. Here are the materials and tools you will need:

  • Three 42-inch metal rods (preferably stainless steel or aluminum, as they are rust-resistant and durable)
  • Two 135-degree metal elbow joints (preferably matching the material and diameter of the rods)
  • Four metal flanges (preferably matching the material and diameter of the rods)
  • Eight metal screws (preferably matching the material and size of the flanges)
  • Eight plastic wall anchors (preferably matching the size of the screws)
  • A drill with a metal bit and a masonry bit
  • A hacksaw or a metal cutter
  • A tape measure
  • A pencil
  • A level
  • A screwdriver
  • A hammer
  • A metal file or a sandpaper

Here are the steps and tips you need to follow:

Step 1: Measure and mark the position of the flanges on the wall

Use a tape measure and a pencil to measure and mark the desired height and width of your curtain rod on the wall. You can use a level to ensure the marks are aligned and leveled. You can also use the shower walls and ceiling as a reference to align your flanges. Make sure the marks are visible and accurate, as they will guide you were to drill the holes.

Step 2: Drill the holes for the anchors and screws on the wall

Use a drill with a masonry bit to drill the holes for the anchors and screws on the wall. Make sure the holes are slightly smaller than the anchors and screws, so they can fit tightly. You can also use a vacuum cleaner or a dustpan and brush to clean up the dust and debris from the drilling.

Step 3: Insert the anchors and screws into the holes

Use a hammer or a screwdriver to insert the anchors and screws into the holes. Make sure the anchors and screws are flush with the wall and not sticking out. You can also use a level to ensure the anchors and screws are straight and even.

Step 4: Attach the flanges to the wall

Use a screwdriver to attach the flanges to the wall using the anchors and screws. Make sure the flanges are secure and stable and can hold the weight of the rods and the curtain. You can also use a level to ensure the flanges are aligned and leveled.

Step 5: Measure and cut the rods to the desired length

Use a tape measure and a pencil to measure and mark the desired length of your rods. You can use the flanges as a reference to measure the length of your rods and add some extra inches for the elbow joints. Then, use a hacksaw or a metal cutter to cut the rods to the desired length. You can also use a metal file or a sandpaper to smooth the edges of the rods and remove any burrs or sharp points.

Step 6: Connect the rods and the elbow joints

Use a screwdriver to connect the rods and the elbow joints using the screws provided. Make sure the rods and the elbow joints are snug and tight and form a wedge-shaped rod that matches the wedge-shaped shower. You can also use a level to ensure the rods and the elbow joints are aligned and leveled.

Step 7: Hang the rod on the flanges

Use a ladder or a stool to reach the flanges and hang the rod on them. Make sure the rod is secure and balanced on the flanges and can slide smoothly. You can also use a level to ensure the rod is horizontal and even.

Installation Process

42 neo angle shower curtain rod
Neo Angle Shower Curtain Rod: 7 Easy Steps to Make Your Own

Once you have crafted your own neo angle shower curtain rod, you need to install it on your shower area. Here are some steps and tips you need to follow:

Step 1: Preparing the shower area for installation

Before you install your curtain rod, you need to prepare your shower area for installation. You need to clean your shower area and remove any dirt, grease, or soap residue from the walls and the floor. You also need to dry your shower area and make sure it is not wet or slippery. You also need to remove any existing curtain rod or curtain from your shower area and clear any obstacles or clutter that may interfere with your installation.

Step 2: Mounting the curtain rod securely

After you have prepared your shower area, you need to mount your curtain rod securely on the wall. You need to use a ladder or a stool to reach the flanges and hang the rod on them. You need to make sure the rod is secure and balanced on the flanges and can slide smoothly. You also need to use a level to ensure the rod is horizontal and even. You also need to tighten the screws or the anchors if needed and ensure that the rod is stable and sturdy.

Step 3: Ensuring proper alignment for a polished finish

After you have mounted your curtain rod, you need to ensure proper alignment for a polished finish. You need to adjust the rods and the elbow joints if needed and ensure that they form a smooth and even curve for the curtain. You also need to align the rod with the shower walls and ceiling and ensure that there are no gaps or openings at the angled corners. You also need to check the length and width of the rod and ensure that it covers the entire shower area and blocks the view from the outside.

Additional Tips for Maintenance and Durability

shower curtain rods for neo angle showers
Neo Angle Shower Curtain Rod: 7 Easy Steps to Make Your Own

After you have installed your neo angle shower curtain rod, you need to maintain and care for it to ensure it lasts long and looks good. Here are some tips for maintaining and caring for your curtain rod:

  • Choosing the right curtain for your neo angle shower. You need to choose the right curtain for your neo angle shower, as it can affect the appearance and function of your shower. You need to choose a curtain that matches the size and shape of your shower, and covers the entire shower area and blocks the view from the outside. You also need to choose a curtain that matches the material and finish of your rod, and complements the theme and decor of your bathroom. You can choose from various types of curtains, such as fabric, vinyl, or plastic, and various designs and colors, depending on your preference and style.
  • Cleaning and maintaining the curtain rod. You need to clean and maintain your curtain rod regularly, and prevent it from rusting, corroding, or tarnishing. You need to wipe off any dust, dirt, or water from the rod using a damp cloth or a sponge. You can also use a mild detergent or a vinegar solution to remove any stains or residues from the rod. You also need to dry the rod thoroughly and make sure it is not wet or damp. You can also apply some wax or polish to the rod to protect it from moisture and oxidation, and enhance its shine and durability.
  • Addressing common issues and troubleshooting tips. You may encounter some common issues and problems with your curtain rod, such as sagging, tilting, or loosening. To address these issues, you need to check and adjust your rod regularly, and tighten the screws or the anchors if needed. You also need to use a level to ensure the rod is aligned and leveled. You also need to check and replace the rods, the elbow joints, or the flanges if they are damaged or worn out. You can also contact a professional or a manufacturer if you need any assistance or service.


A neo angle shower curtain rod can enhance the beauty and functionality of your neo angle shower, and provide you with optimal coverage, protection, and privacy. However, finding a suitable shower curtain rods for neo-angle showers can be challenging, as most standard curtain rods are either straight or curved, and do not fit the shape of your shower. That is why you may want to craft your own custom neo angle shower curtain rod using some simple materials and tools, and following some steps and tips.

By making your own curtain rod, you can ensure a better fit and function, and more versatility and functionality, for your shower. You can also express your creativity and personality, and create a unique and personalized curtain rod that reflects your taste and style. In this guide, we have shown you how to make a 42-inch neo angle shower curtain rod, which is a common size for neo angle showers. However, you can adjust the measurements and proportions according to your shower size and shape.

We have also provided some tips and tricks for installing and maintaining your curtain rod and enhancing the beauty and functionality of your neo angle shower. For additional insights into selecting the right curtain for your specific shower setup, including considerations for different types of tubs, you can explore our comprehensive guide on shower curtains for clawfoot tubs. We hope this guide has inspired you to embark on a DIY project and craft your own custom neo angle shower curtain rod. By doing so, you can transform your shower into a more comfortable and secure space and add some flair and elegance to your bathroom.

We hope you enjoyed this guide and learned something new and useful. We would love to hear your thoughts and experiences on How to Make a Neo Angle Shower Curtain Rod. Please feel free to share your comments, questions, or feedback below. You can follow us on Medium for latest story. Thank you for reading and happy decorating!

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