Open Hands

How to Hand Wash Sheer Curtains in 7 Steps!

Step 1: Fill Your Sink or Basin

Fill the sink or basin with lukewarm or cool water for a curtain-friendly soak.

Image Credit: Sanja Kostic

Step 2: Add a Dash of Detergent

Add a few drops of liquid dish or laundry detergent and swish to create cleansing suds

Image Credit: Sanja Kostic

Step 3: Dive In With Your Curtains

Submerge your sheer curtains into the sudsy water. Gently swish the fabric around to bid dirt farewell

Image Credit: Sanja Kostic

Step 4: Rinse Away the Suds

Let the soapy water drain away or pour it out. Replace with clean lukewarm water and rinse until the suds vanish

Image Credit: Sanja Kostic

Step 5: Squeeze Out Excess Water

Lay your curtains on a dry, clean towel. Roll it up gently to squeeze out the extra water

Image Credit: Sanja Kostic

Step 6: Hang Them Up to Dry

Hang your damp curtains to dry but hold off on redecorating the windows just yet. Choose a drying rack or a bathtub curtain rod

Image Credit: Sanja Kostic

Step 7: Iron with Care, If Needed

If your curtains get a bit wrinkly, iron them on a low setting when slightly damp. Use a pressing cloth to shield them from direct heat

Image Credit: Sanja Kostic

How to Wash Sheer Curtains in Washing Machine: Joyful Guide

Check below Step by Step Guide with Maintenace Tips